If you are in need of something to protect your wires under tight and hard surfaces then rigid rubber tubing might be for you. Imagine having to route wires near doors and hood hinges where the wires can be split in half with the closing mechanism or just to be damaged by it. Not only will that cause your electronic devices to break but you will also need to spend more money and time buying new cables and connecting them up again. Other than that, you can use the rigid rubber tubing to route wires in outdoor conditions where you can step on them and longer exposure can cause damage on them.
The rigid rubber tubing is made from a special rubber that is not as elastic as the other tubes. The walls of the rubber tube are made thicker so it can protect whatever you plan on routing through them. Because of the thickness of the walls, the tube can withstand very high and very low temperatures without the problem of protecting your wires in it. Especially if you are doing a job of routing wires on the outside of your house or burying them under the ground, using rigid rubber tubing will make your job perfect because this way they will last longer than leaving them without the tube.
When going on shopping for a rigid rubber tube you will need to have your measurements ready so you don’t make the mistake of getting a too short tube so your wires are not protected the whole way. You should always make sure that you buy at least a meter longer than you need because you can cut it whenever you want. The size of the hole is important as well because you need to make sure that the rigid rubber tube can fit all the cables that you want to route inside.
Do you need a quote? Or need to place an order?
We also provide customized services, and can make various non-standard silicone rubber parts according to your drawings or samples.
Welcome to contact us for more information!