Have you been having too many accidents with your electronics? Do they all seem to fall off from the edge of your table or cabinet and get broken without repair? Are you tired of using machines that slip off from one place to another at the slightest force? Don’t worry, because we understand your problems.
Many electronics are made of sleek metal and plastic that can slide off a surface very easily. These electronics don’t have any sort of object inhibiting their movement speed and slippage which causes them to glide off surfaces effortlessly – something no homeowner would want, especially on their expensive electronics.
If you too are facing these problems, then worry not, because we have the perfect solution for you – our small rubber bumpers. These rubber bumpers can stick to the base of your electronics and eliminate all sliding from occurring. You can use your electronics without any worry about what will happen if you mistakenly hit them with your hand.
Our small rubber bumpers are really easy to apply, simply take them off the sheet we provide you with and apply the adhesive surface on the electronic machine’s base. If you apply them to each of the corners of your machine’s base, it will act as an anti-slip base for your machine for a long, long time! Our small rubber bumpers come in a variety of shapes and colors to fulfill your creative and practical needs.
Not only that, our small rubber bumpers can also absorb all kinetic impact. Apply this on your cabinet and drawer doors that shut off with a bang and you will immediately notice a difference in the sound they create. Our small rubber bumpers muffle all unnecessary sound that comes off from shutting off your doors or cabinets so that you can live in a peaceful home without loud noises.
Do you need a quote? Or need to place an order?
We also provide customized services, and can make various non-standard silicone rubber parts according to your drawings or samples.
Welcome to contact us for more information!