Nowadays, there are so many household repairs you can do on your own without having to employ a professional. Naturally, this is only true if you possess certain skills and have the necessary tools. One of the most common issues people face regarding household issues is the malfunction of faucets. It is when a beveled rubber washer becomes an essential piece in your toolbox.
A leaky faucet can prove to be quite a nightmare. Not only can it be very annoying, but you will also literally be throwing money down the drain. Well, fixing this issue is pretty easy. All you have to do is install a new beveled rubber washer on the stem of the faucet. It will create a seal, and therefore, regulate the water flow and prevent it from leaking. This task shouldn’t take you more than a few minutes, and it is definitely something you can do on your own. What’s more, in some cases, this item will save you a lot of money because otherwise, you might have to install an entirely new faucet.
If you are currently facing this problem, our advice is to check our website and order these items. They are of universal design, meaning that you won’t have any problem purchasing these. In addition, generally speaking, these are usually sold in a package of 10 items, so you will be good for some time.
As you probably already know, these are made of rubber that offers several benefits. The most important one, without a doubt, is durability. A beveled rubber washer can withstand all sorts of impacts, and it cannot be easily destroyed. All you have to do is inspect it occasionally to ensure that are no cracks on a washer that can shorten its life span. It goes without saying that if you notice any damage, you should grab a new item from your toolbox and install it.
Do you need a quote? Or need to place an order?
We also provide customized services, and can make various non-standard silicone rubber parts according to your drawings or samples.
Welcome to contact us for more information!